Short-Read, Long-Impact Book
YOUR 6-Week Book Plan
Begin your short-read, long-impact book
to help you build your business faster.
** Now Available Individually **
Commence at a time to suit you.
Are you intrigued and excited by the idea of adding a book to your business mix because you have seen what it can do for others BUT you second-guess your own ideas? Has the thought of writing a huge amount of content held you back from diving in? Is the publishing world still a puzzle for you?
If so, I am very excited to offer you a new and very managable option to help you plan and write the book that can reach the people you love to help, and make the impact you are seeking, without totally draining you of confidence, time and energy.
In this crowded, busy world, there’s a VERY strong argument for crafting a short, impactful book as a way of reaching out easily to the right people, and helping them solve a problem in their lives that has been holding them back.
As the author of a short-read, long-impact book, your readers will get to know more about you and your expertise, and it may become the thing that draws them back to you and your business for further assistance in a deeper way.
As a business owner, wouldn’t you love to create such a book (and business asset)?
♦ A valuable short read (and short to write)
♦ Makes a lasting impact on the reader
♦ Attracts people who potentially engage you for other support and services
“When I was about to embark on the journey of writing my first book I knew I needed some major help. Bev provided a very clear book planning framework which I used to first shape the contents of my book, and later to ensure that this content was relevant, practical and on point. I then published ‘The Teaching Game‘ after signing with the publishing company Amba Press, who were very impressed with my book blueprint and snapped it up only nine months after initially working with Bev. I have since published my second book, ‘The Leadership Game‘, with Amba Press after using the same blueprint and Bev’s assistance before I began writing.”
As a book coach and woman in publishing, I am so delighted to bring this unique program to you in 2025. I love seeing other women in business succeed as they discover the excitement and satisfaction of writing and publishing their own books.
I have coached individuals and facilitated many online group book coaching programs over the last ten years, and I would love to work with you as you delve into the simple and effective process of planning and writing a short-read, long-impact book.
You will find:
♦ A supportive container in which to begin this wonderful project – no more solo flying
♦ Structure – lock the days in your calendar and make them a priority
♦ Focus – spend concentrated time on YOUR book
♦ Process – a logical set of steps from start to finish
♦ Clarity – a safe zone to air ideas and find the sweet spot for your book
♦ Progress – build your book plan as we go, and even begin writing chapters
♦ Qualified feedback – from a trained book coach (me) with business experience
♦ Accountability – we all work best when we have it
♦ Path to publishing – guidance with publishing options, and full publishing services for authors who want to retain full ownership of their business asset (your book) via independent publishing.
COST: $700 AUD
Choose TWO monthly payments of $350 or ONE of $700.
Register NOW to begin working with me.
Quality content & support. Low fee.
[The program will increase to $850 in May 2025.]
VIDEO: Jennie Nash (left – founder of Author Accelerator) and I (Bev Ryan, non-fiction book coach), discuss how short books can work for your business. (3 mins.)
Short reads are simple, digestible books centered around a key idea that solves a clear problem for the right people, and can be written and produced relatively quickly. (A quality book is imperative, obviously.)
Key Features of ‘SHORT Read’ and ‘LONG Impact’ Books
Hours to read, not days (around 15,000 to 25,000 words)
LONG Impact
The benefits of writing a short read:
Short reads can create a warm, trusting following around one main message or useful strategy, build your list of people drawn to the help you offer, and help you connect with new people who may eventually become paying clients and customers.
A short read like this will be practical and reliable, offering valuable and an actionable transformational process for your readers.
Key Person of Influence
Author: Daniel Priestley (Approx 30,000 words)
First published in 2010, this short-read, long-impact book has been a powerful evergreen lead generator for the company, attracting readers into the valuable Dent Accelerator business programs. They have given away thousands of copies; sell it online; and provide a free ebook link.
Check how the company uses the book to constantly grow their list of potential clients.
(Independently published: Ecademy Press)
you² - A High-Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps
Author: Price Pritchett PhD (40 pages)
This small but mighty book is about the power of “you squared” . . . the quantum leap strategy for breakthrough performance. In just 40 pages it puts forth 18 highly quotable key components for building massive success while expending less effort.
(Independently published by PRITCHETT)
Better Questions: your weekly quest to a better life and a better you
Author: Kathryn Maggs
This is a full-colour collection of 52 questions (one per page), each paired with one of Kathryn’s photographs taken during her world travels. (Total 120 pages)
Kathryn sells her book on her website and also includes it in her coaching programs, including her free ‘Better Questions Circle’. Positoned as a product, a lead generator, and a give-away for added value.
(Produced by Bev Ryan at Smart Women Publish)
Budget Right: Eliminate debt and improve your financial and mental wellbeing
Author: Carrie-Ann McLean (16,000 words plus author’s own graphics & journalling space)
In this book, Carrie-Ann reveals her own roller-coaster debt story, and the techniques she employed to finally take control of her money and establish a secure life. She sells her book and companion budgeting spreadsheet from her website. Her book is also available through online retailers around the world. This book is a foundational piece to build a business around.
(Produced by Bev Ryan at Smart Women Publish)
“All sessions were very respectful, everyone’s ideas were listened to and advised on, and I thought the pace of the group coaching program with Bev was just right. Bev guides you every step of the way and makes suggestions but does not demand that you do what she says. Even though I am a long way from producing my ‘memoir with a message’ for other women, it is taking shape in my mind because of the ‘roadmap’ Bev provided.”
—Colleen Cartwright, Emeritus Professor, Chair of the SCU Human Research Ethics Committee
About this New Program in 2025
I am your host & facilitator for the program – Bev Ryan, founder of Smart Women Publish, Author Accelerator certified non-fiction book coach, experienced group coaching facilitator, and book production manager.
You will be using the proven Author Accelerator Non-Fiction Book Blueprint as your guide (see comments about effectiveness in testimonials on this page), and will get the tools, guidance and support you need BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the program to ensure you plan your book effectively.
Commence at a time to suit you.
Online meetings set according to Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane)
→ Individual exercises to prepare for commencement
→ Customised ‘Short Read, Long Impact’ Author Accelerator blueprint and worksheets PLUS your own print copy of ‘Blueprint for a Non-Fiction Book’ by Jennie Nash
→ 4 live fortnightly group coaching calls on Zoom (will be recorded). I will explain the steps to take as you build your book plan week by week.
→ Email contact between calls, plus a review of your progress before each call.
→ A follow-up call one month after the final session. Date and time to be arranged at the end of the program.
→ OPTIONAL ADD-ON: A personal review of your Book Plan within six weeks of completing the program. You may also choose ongoing individual support as you write.
I invested time and money in attending Bev’s Book Planning Program because her personality and willingness to assist were things I responded to. It was definitely good value for money, and the Book Blueprint helped me work out the structure I was looking for in my book. Bev provided all of the information and resources we needed, as well as follow-up support. I am very pleased to have participated and grateful I could make it. Your guidance is amazing! Thank you.
Choose TWO monthly payments of $350 AUD — or ONE of $700 AUD
(The program fee will rise to $850 in April 2025.)
“After I engaged Bev and began working with her Book Blueprint framework, the book plan soon took on a definite structure, and as I wrote, I felt my book becoming real. I also realised how important it was to dive deeper and really write for the reader – not just at them. For the six months we worked together, Bev was like a trusted friend as I wrote each section of my book, and nudged and guided me in the direction I needed to go, without judgement. My book is now ready for editing and as I enter this publishing stage, I know I have written a book I am proud of, and one that I feel truly embodies what I want my readers to not only learn, but also incorporate into their lives.”
What this program is NOT:
This is NOT a vague ‘how-to publish’ program. Your goal is to build your book plan and begin writing.
The program is NOT delivered solely as a collection of videos that you never get around to opening. (We have all been there, right?)
You will NOT be inundated with useless ‘bonuses’ just to inflate the perceived value of the program … and add to the confusing overwhelm in your inbox.
You will NOT be left high & dry after the program is over. There will be a scheduled call a month or so after we finish. You can access me for one-off help or ongoing coaching support at any time.
You will NOT have to download yet another communication app to your phone .. then forget where all of the messages may potentially be coming from. Was it an email, a FB message, a text… arrgh?
Ready to start your ‘Short-Read, Long-Impact’ book?
Commencing at a date and time to suit you.
Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane)