10/15. Write for Real People

10/15. Write for Real People

The best writing comes to life, and then is refined just enough to make it crystal clear. First, give it life. — Audrey Owen, author of ‘Writer’s Helper’   If you show passion for your subject matter, show real interest in your readers, draw...
2/15. Why Bother to Publish?

2/15. Why Bother to Publish?

‘When the writing gets tough, you need to be able to imagine yourself getting the things you want out of life as a result of your published book.’ ~ Daniel Priestly, in ‘Become a Key Person of Influence’   What is it about the idea of publishing a book that...
1/15. It’s Your Time to Publish

1/15. It’s Your Time to Publish

‘It might have been done before, but it hasn’t been done by you!’ ~ Elizabeth Gilbert, in ‘Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear’   Imagine: You, an expert in your field, armed with a finely honed purpose, a carefully-selected audience and a little bit of...